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The Economic Cost-benefit Analysis of Black Soldier Fly as an Alternative Animal and Fish Feed Ingredient in Malawi

First release: March 23, 2023

The use of Black Soldier Fly (BSF) as alternative animal and aquaculture feed has gained attention around the globe as it offers numerous tangible benefits including high-quality animal feed, food and nutritional security, job creation, poverty reduction, and environmental sustainability. Knowledge of the economic viability of BSF farming in Malawi is scarce despite being perceived as an emerging and profitable farming enterprise. This study aims to fill this gap by providing evidence on the economic feasibility of BSF farming as either a smallholder income-generating activity or as a larger commercial enterprise. We show that BSF farming could be profitable across scales and highlight roles for government and other stakeholders to develop and promote BSF farming in the country.

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Black Soldier Fly images from a trial farm in Bunda, LUANAR

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